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Hell Run by Naturalis 2018: all awards handed out

On November 5, in the Alunelul park, Hell Run volunteers were awarded. Hell Run is the only official night race in Chisinau. The organizers handed in commemorative diplomas to the 120 volunteers, who participated in the organization of the most unusual and memorable event.

The mini-race dedicated to Halloween is different than all the other sporting events organized by Sporter - a public sports organization. At this costume race, volunteers helped both by encouraging the runners and by handing out snacks and gifts at the pit stops. In addition, these fearless helpers became spooky characters, who scared the participants, but sometimes make them laugh.

The teams of Sporter (sports public organization), of mama.md (popular women's forum) and of 999.md (online ads board) say thank you to all race volunteers and helpers. You did it!

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